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It was as if I was viewing and hearing myself from the other side of the room. An out of body experience…seeing this person I hadnt seen before…not for a long time… I have always been a rule breaker of sorts. It didnt feel like that, ever! It just felt
Gabrielle Bernstein is one of my favourite mentors. She really speaks,lives and IS her truth and someone we can all look to for an example of shining our light at its brightest. It takes courage to be your truth. It takes courage to be the divine being that deep down

Be Careful What You Ask For

Careful…Full of Care We all know of, or have heard of, the Law of Attraction. Attracting into our lives: What we think about the most What we ask for What we desire What we intend What we imagine What we envision What we feel We are all attracting exactly what

Angel reading: Doreen Virtue

One of the mentors and teachers that has truly made a difference in my life over the past year is Doreen Virtue. Her teachings are in alignment with me and whenever there are questions to answer within, her readings and words bring comfort and wisdom. Each week I watch her

Be YOU…From the Heart

Courage comes in every moment Courage comes in every experience If we could just step back into the mind and heart of our 2 year old self we would see that life is an adventure…in every moment. An adventure that takes you to Joy by following your heart, your instincts
Love this TEdx talk by Louie Schwartzberg. I never tire of watching it and feeling the gratitude. Feel the gratitude in every moment on this day, and every day. Open your heart to the wonder and love, and everyone you meet along your way will truly be blessed by the
Living Fearlessly…what does it really mean? Today I thought about this a lot and how it has been played out in my life. Often when I see the images of the ‘standard’ things we relate this too, such as lions, superheros, warriors etc I can see the power and the
Happiness is a CHOICE Today, rather than expecting the ‘outside world’ or your ‘external’ circumstances to bring you happiness (which it wont in many cases) focus on what YOU can do to CREATE it. Happiness is a state of mind. Try these 10 ways to arrive there, today.  1. Wake

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