Welcome and hello! I am Trish Rock.

Sacred Transformation Mentor for Women

Helping You to Thrive in a life of Intention, Meaning & Authenticity

I am also a multiple best selling author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic and I help people just like you to improve their lives with Quantum Shifts through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. My clients call me the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity I bring to them.

I believe that you have infinite lives and possibilities available to tap into and as I guide clients through my propriety PEACE Process, among other things, this teaches how to harmonise the energies across your body, mind, and spirit and see your highest potential.

With over 40 years’ experience as a trusted intuitive guide and adviser, my passion and purpose is to see YOU believe in the possibilities that are available to you, and live your absolute best life!

All you need to do is find your natural genius flow and turn inward toward your own strength to remember who you truly are and reconnect with your destiny.

Lets go to Parallel Realities together, experience Quantum Leaps and see who you truly are and can be.

21 Day Peace Upgrade Plan

Embark on a journey of magical improvements in 5 key areas of your life :

Mind, Body, Home, Energy, life

Witness the smooth transformation of greater peace unfold.

If you are looking for more peace across every area of your life then this is the upgrade that will get you started!

Download now as my gift to you xo

I know what it’s like to feel stuck and wanting more. Whether you are finding yourself alone after a relationship breakdown, having no likeminded support or direction, or are simply choosing to recreate your life into one that you absolutely love….

Your life is too important to simply copy and paste it from the past, or from another person’s view of what it should be like.

The reason you’ve been given the gift of life is too precious for you to allow yourself to be stuck in a pattern dominated by fear, other people or smallness.

Its all too common for people to allow the past to control their future, living their life like a robot and giving away their power to the external values they’ve picked up along the way.

The perceptions, beliefs, and limitations you have lived with up to now, are probably not even yours! Why have them holding you back any longer!

If you are ready to discover the Truth of who you are, and create a life you actually like and LOVE then you are in the right place my friend!


Book a session with me and lets get you reaching your highest potential xo


No matter where you are at in life right now, The PEACE Process offers a proven framework for transformation, with ease.

If you’re having trouble changing your reality and finding more joy, peace and calm in life, the problem isn’t you. The problem is that if you are here, and what you desire is there, you are always in a lack energy while reaching for the destination. Blame, shame, self-sabotage and an endless hamster wheel of frustration will then keep your reality unchanged.  Here in this book, you’ll get a proven 5 step process that can take you to new ways of being.

In The PEACE Process you will discover how to:

  • Perceive Peace and Prosperity in Parallel Realities
  • Embrace Forgiveness and Acceptance
  • Allow Self-Actualisation vs Self Sabotage
  • Connect with Yourself and Others in a Deep and Authentic Way
  • Engage with the Power of the New Normal


From The Blog…

When Did My Life Become So Serious?

When Did My Life Become So Serious?

When Did Life Stop Being Fun? As I approach the age of 60 next year, so many things are shifting and changing. My priorities are different. My needs are different. My desires are different. My body, mind and energy are different. The may I think about things is...

Finding Peace in Self Sabotage Patterns

Finding Peace in Self Sabotage Patterns

Finding Peace in Self Sabotage Patterns Self-sabotage is a common problem that many people experience at some point in their lives. It occurs when we unconsciously engage in behaviours or thoughts that undermine our goals and desires. Self-sabotage can be insidious...