by Trish | Oct 23, 2015 | Blog
Would the real YOU please stand up? Are you hiding? Are you being what others want you to be, or expect you to be? Are you doing what others want you to be, or expect you to do? When will the REAL YOU emerge, stand up and shine? Would the real you please stand up....
by Trish | Oct 18, 2015 | Blog
Return to Light While meditating this morning, it occurred to me that for most of our lives, while we feel we may be trying to figure out the meaning of life, the meaning of OUR lives or simply the meaning of it all, what we are actually doing is learning or...
by Trish | Oct 18, 2015 | Blog
Acts Of Love As I lay there, in the bath, on this Sunday morning, at 10am, filled with the beautiful fragrance of the Romance oils I had lavishly poured into the steaming hot water, along with the Epsom Salts, I thought –Love and Gratitude. How lucky am I to be...
by Trish | Oct 14, 2015 | Blog
How I Quit Chocolate 5 Ways To Set Yourself Up For SUCCESS When Changing An Addictive Habit This week I quit chocolate. For a long time now I have known that refined sugar was addictive. Just as addictive as any drug. It gets into your cells and your body cries...
by Trish | Sep 28, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
Look past what you see…find the Love Many years ago I was stuck in the vibration of blame, lack, emptiness and unworthiness. I would numb myself regularly with alcohol, and often would just go to sleep as often as possible to block out what I thought was an...
by Trish | Sep 23, 2015 | Blog
The Rabbit Hole of Spirituality Are there any rules we must follow to be spiritual? Is being spiritual similar to all of the religions in this world, with rules and structure that must be followed if we are to be ‘doing’ it correctly and for our soul to be functional...