5 Weeks Sugar Free!

I did it! 5 weeks ago I decided to ditch the chocolate and refined sugar from my life and I’m happy to say- I haven’t touched it since. Woohoo!! If this is something you would like to achieve ion your life right now too, check out this blog I did after the...
Are You In Denial?

Are You In Denial?

What Is It You Are Great At But Continue To Deny? As I look to the word count and page number of this document just after typing the title…I see 1.1.11 Goosebumps, Angel hugs and confirmation that what I am about to write are exactly the words to say today. You see, I...
Love Energy

Love Energy

Love Energy Love Energy flows through all of us. Individually, yet still a part of the whole. Starting the day well really helps get this energy flowing beautifully so that not only does it affect your vibration by raising it, it affects and raises the vibration of...

Personal Power, Love and Softness

Personal Power, Love and Softness I believe the greatest thing we can be, is ourselves. Seems simple but is it really? Are you yourself right now? Authentically yourself? Who you KNOW yourself to be in your soul? Who you know yourself to be in your heart? I remember...
Manifesting Money and Men: Sacred Contracts, Divine Love

Manifesting Money and Men: Sacred Contracts, Divine Love

Money and Men: Sacred Contracts, Divine Love It has occurred to me just recently that although life has many challenges, it is not every area of my life that I have had to work on. I believe this to be true for all of us. While one person may struggle with money and...

How I Thrived In My First Two Weeks Sugar Free

How I Thrived In My 1st 2 Weeks Sugar Free 2 weeks ago I came to that point in my life where enough was enough. I was so addicted to chocolate, and various other forms of sugar, that the path to my bigger vision in life was being blocked. It was the same point I had...