10 Ways To Regain Your Personal Power Today

10 Ways To Regain Your Personal Power Today

May The Power Be With YOU Where is your personal power right now? How are you feeling? How you are feeling is the answer to the question really! An extended version of the question would be: How do you feel when you are by yourself? Here is a quote by Neale Donald...
Blame Will Keep Your Heart Closed

Blame Will Keep Your Heart Closed

The Truth Will Set Us Free Healing a broken heart is never easy. No matter how much time lapses, the memory, hurt and pain can still linger. Yes we can move forward but often, there is still that little bit of fear, that little bit of hesitation, that little bit of...
Happiness Trumps Positivity,  Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time Some people say I am a positive person…I disagree. I am a HAPPY person. I used to be positive…but was still unhappy, and today in this blog, I want to explain why and how, if you are experiencing the same, it can be different...
Labels: Whats Yours And Do You Really Need It?

Labels: Whats Yours And Do You Really Need It?

Do you have a label? Is there a standard answer you offer when someone asks you about yourself? What is your answer when you are asked: Who are you? Most of us will answer with what we do, what we believe or what we believe we are. For example: I am a …(Insert...