by Trish | Feb 14, 2016 | Blog
Happiness Is The Essence Of Us Where does happiness come from? How can we feel and BE happy more often than not? What is the secret behind those that appear to be happy all the time and those that have a life filled with magic and manifesting? The secret, my friends,...
by Trish | Jan 12, 2016 | Blog
My Life Is Crap! Is this how you wake up each day? How long has this been happening? Do you understand why you feel like this? How long will you allow it to continue? There are times when we all feel like this right! Waking up, not feeling great, not wanting to go to...
by Trish | Jan 1, 2016 | Blog
Change Today, as we start a new 12 month cycle, a new year, many of us will be contemplating the past 12 months and how we have moved forward, what areas we are still perhaps stuck and our expectations for this coming year. Personally, I’m in awe with how much change...
by Trish | Dec 26, 2015 | Blog
Love: YOUR own unique way Love of self, and accepting that of others, has been the greatest and most challenging quest for me so far this lifetime. It may have at times seemed like the other challenges and adversities I have overcome far outweigh this one but here’s...
by Trish | Dec 1, 2015 | Blog
Let Go Of The Weighty Fears Here is something I know to be true… When I let go of some of the fears that were holding me as a prisoner in my old reality, I emerged not only with new perspectives, new ideas, new mindset and a renewed sense of what is…I also emerged...
by Trish | Nov 29, 2015 | Blog
How Shifting My Chakra Energy Has Totally Changed My Life Today I was thinking about all the people who now have the beautiful Chakra candles that I make in their homes. (Find them here: Chakra Candles) Whether they know it or not, the energy that is now in their...