by Trish | Mar 8, 2016 | Blog
How I Discovered The Uniqueness Of Our Chakra Portals The Chakra System is becoming more and more talked about as we choose to recognize our own energy fields and how they work in conjunction with our human life to create the reality we see. There are 114 chakra...
by Trish | Mar 6, 2016 | Blog
Childhood Games and Habits Can Tell Us A Lot About Our Passions and Purpose In Adulthood I’ve been doodling today. Often, when I’m feeling a bit lost, or somehow isolated or ‘separate’ from others and life, I’m drawn to writing or creating art. I...
by Trish | Mar 1, 2016 | Blog, Meditations
Meditation: Ask Your Guides a Question
by Trish | Mar 1, 2016 | Blog
A Conversation With Jesus About Ascended Masters, Angels, Humans and Life Ive had several angels, spirits, guides, and people I know that have passed, come to me, or have become aware of their presence over my lifetime. The first one I truly remember, although I feel...
by Trish | Feb 28, 2016 | Blog
Happiness: An Inside Job Ive been studying happiness in my own life for some time now. Just a handful of years back I believed happiness came from other people, other things, outside circumstances. I believed I was UNHAPPY because of everyone and everything else! This...
by Trish | Feb 27, 2016 | Blog
Tarot, Numerology and Mediumship If you had asked me just a short while back if I was a Tarot Card reader, or if I knew anything about Numerology or if I was able to channel messages through from the other side, I would have said no. The answer would not have been...