Hidden Treasures Everywhere – Are You Awake To Them?

Hidden Treasures Everywhere – Are You Awake To Them?

#30Blogs30Days #Day4 I spent a lovely little while in my garden this morning. The pull to have my hands in the dirt was strong and I love communing with nature. I feel the grounding we receive and need is important to stabilize our energy and increase our centredness...
The Heart/Head Battle in Decisions

The Heart/Head Battle in Decisions

#30Blogs30Days #Day2 Decisions are normally fast for me. I know what I want, how I wish to feel and the direction I am heading. But there are days when these decisions feel like very confusing, heavy moments where I am lost in the call of the heart and the logic of...
Whispers from Spirit on my Dads Birthday

Whispers from Spirit on my Dads Birthday

I was laying in bed this morning thinking about the events coming up for the day. My head starting kicking in and the storm of preconceived worry, future projections on outcomes, stress over what might be and what is already and……. It happens so easily and...
The Confusion of Humanity & 3 Ways to Find Your Own Clarity

The Confusion of Humanity & 3 Ways to Find Your Own Clarity

Beam Me Up Scotty! Do you feel like hopping on the next inter-galactic space ship and travelling to a planet that makes sense right now? I don’t know about you but for me personally the current world we live in is so confusing I really am struggling to understand not...
Waiting to Be Saved

Waiting to Be Saved

Waiting to Be Saved It is interesting to me that the thought of waiting for someone to come and save me from anything is still present after all the years I have practiced self development and personal empowerment. Yet, today…there it was. This revelation was a...