by Trish | Jun 13, 2020 | Blog
I wrote this article recently for Holistic Bliss magazine and wanted to share it with you today. My intention is to show you a new perception, a new way to be. To live a life that really is true for you and to you. I love your feedback so please drop a comment and let...
by Trish | Jun 12, 2020 | Blog
#30Blogs30Days #Day9 Our entire life is a relationship journey and I have discovered that this in itself, is a truth and powerful knowledge that when acknowledged and accepted, can turn many things in our life around, especially relationships! The relationship with...
by Trish | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
#30Blogs30Days #Day8 Each day we have the opportunity to choose love or fear. Anything you are making a decision on, any old thoughts that arise, any old beliefs you are creating your reality from, are in the bucket of love or fear. Being out of alignment with your...
by Trish | Jun 10, 2020 | Blog
#30Blogs30Days #Day7 While learning something new for my business today I began reflecting on how much life has changed for me over the past 24 months and in particular the past 3 months. I have really been trying to simplify everything that I am aware needs it and...
by Trish | Jun 9, 2020 | Blog
#30Blogs30Days #Day6 I had an epiphany of sorts today. After transforming 3 key areas in my life and a few minor ones, I have not had the inclination to change my relationship status, even though I keep complaining its been over 5 years since I have been in a...
by Trish | Jun 8, 2020 | Blog
#30blogs30days #Day5 From the moment we are born into this Earth reality as humans we are shaped, moulded and trained. Some may say ‘domesticated’ to fit in with the family we are born to and their values. For the most part, many of us are also trained that we...