#30Blogs30Days #Day3


There is such beautiful energy right now and I get the sense that this is a pivotal point in our thoughts moving forward.

I know for myself it has been a time of decisions moving forward. Do I stay in fear or do I stay in heart love. This is always a question of nurture and the amount we are willing to ooze out for ourselves, or withhold.

After a full day of back to back Psychic readings today it has become even more clear.

Usually I can see a theme in all the readings I do in one day (and to be honest they are often messages that I am not hearing and receiving myself! The universe needs to bring them in through 1,2 or many clients!) but today I couldn’t see how they all tied together. They all seemed so different!

But as I left for the day I understood.

Its been the theme for the past week – nurturing.

Each client today needed clarity in some area of life where they were not nurturing themselves as best they could. It often shows as putting yourself last in line in the deserving of that nurture.

Allowing people to drain your energy is not sustainable in a relationship or workplace and eventually your heart and health suffer. I feel in the current energy we are being called to look at this and it has put many people in a spin of uncertainty about their next step.

If you have spend most of your life putting the nurture of others before yourself then it will feel somewhat selfish and out of character to all of a sudden be caring about yourself but this is what we are being encouraged to do right now. YOU ARE IMPORTANT!

The Universe is lining things up in your favour, and in the direction of you seeing yourself as worth nurturing.

So, in what ways can you do this?

  • Take time for yourself when needed
  • Recoup your energy when needed with alone time.
  • Do something nice for yourself regularly.
  • Dont stay in relationships that treat you badly or that constantly blame you for what goes wrong.
  • Dont stay in toxic workplaces if possible.
  • Ask yourself how YOU want life to feel and don’t allow the opinion of others to change that.
  • Love YOU more. Care for YOU more. Respect and honour YOU more.

Write a list right now to release the old.

At the top of the page put: In this Sagittarius Full Moon energy I now let go of…

And list at least 5 things, feelings, beliefs, unnurturing ways that you will now let go. This action in itself is setting huge energies in motion and you will feel the power of it.

YOU are the epicentre of your reality. Nurture you first then others and this will also be returned to you in ways you cannot imagine. But it begins with YOUR decision that you are worth nurturing.

What do you say? Will you choose you?

Trish Rock | Transformation Catalyst | Psychic/Clairvoyant 

~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~

~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~

~~ Producer & Host of TrishRockTV

Private Bookings are available www.trishrock.com/PsychicReadings

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