#30blogs30days #Day5

From the moment we are born into this Earth reality as humans we are shaped, moulded and trained. Some may say ‘domesticated’ to fit in with the family we are born to and their values.

For the most part, many of us are also trained that we cannot trust ourselves.

This comes from a Patriarchal system of control.

‘You do not know what is best for you. You cannot trust yourself’ is the subconscious belief we accept and then live by.

This message comes from childhood and even if we had parents that allowed creative and authentic freedom, the media and all the thousands of messages around us daily prove otherwise.

And even in a changing, awakening world as we are currently in, the message to the masses is still the same- you cannot trust yourself. You need validation from the external.

So how do we unravel this old belief in our own lives, learn that there is nothing actually wrong with us and get to the point where we actually trust and turn to ourselves first for the answers we seek?

I used to think the education and training I did, the personal development I underwent and the mindset shifts would solve all of this for me but I found out after many years that they hadn’t and while I am a big advocate of self development and education, if we are still operating from the same beliefs and needing the same validations to feel good about ourselves, we are still looking outside of ourselves for the answers and we will never feel alignment or freedom within.

When I tuned in to the different personalities and identities of ‘me’ in parallel realities, I discovered that these elements were easily brought in to the now, to this reality.

What did this mean?

Well, in a different personality those old limiting beliefs I had about myself did not exist, or if they did, they were a very quiet and non destructive part. They were not ruling my life and what I created.

What area of your life do you trust yourself the least right now?

I also discovered that while some parts of our life work easily and we reach our goals and dreams, there are other areas where our distrust of self is too strong to move forward or change.

Identifying those areas is the first step. Getting clear on the change you desire is key. Then the BEING of that comes with more ease.

We cannot change our reality with the same personality or identity that created it.

Until I transformed from ‘Lack & poverty mindset Trish’ to ‘Abundant Trish’ I kept creating more lack, no matter how much abundance I allowed in.

Until I transformed from being ‘Disconnected Trish’ to ‘Aligned Trish’ my self trust was low and out of alignment with my truth when it came to my intuitive senses.

Until I transformed from ‘worthless Trish’ to ‘Valuable Trish’ I kept placing my worth and value in external things, money and circumstances and the ‘proof’ that I was not worthy kept showing up in my reality.

When my self trust and belief in each of these areas shifted, the movement forward was rapid. Life changed. My reality changed. The 5 Step Dynamic Transformation process has not only transformed my life but continues to change the lives of my clients.

One thing we can all do each day is to focus on something we DO trust about ourselves. An instinct, a gut feeling, a voice from beyond, a logic that is unexplained, a knowing, a feeling, a nod from your mind that says- ‘you’ve got this’- to your heart.

Then, when you begin to learn self trust in another area you will have something to draw from.

So, what answers are you seeking today and can you find them within? Will you trust yourself?

Maybe the direct answer will arrive in your heart. Perhaps the answer is to seek help in a certain area. The answer could even be the book, class, program or person you come in to contact with today…will you begin to trust that too?

You Have The Answers You Seek & The Power To Change Your Life In Any Way


Trish Rock | Transformation Catalyst | Psychic/Clairvoyant 

~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~

~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~

~~ Producer & Host of TrishRockTV


Private Bookings are available www.trishrock.com/PsychicReadings

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