by Trish | May 1, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
Love Always Trumps Fear Have you ever wondered how it would feel to have absolutely no judgement, no criticism and no thoughts that were not love? In this podcast we explore what this means and how, with conscious effort and love flow, we can not only stop judging...
by Trish | Apr 27, 2015 | Meditations
Welcome to the PODCAST series: Manifest For Life: Lets Meditate Meditation is a great way to quieten the mind and tap into the intuitive power we all have. Its also a fabulous tool for restoring calm restoring that inner peace and dissipating stress and worry. Many...
by Trish | Apr 26, 2015 | Blog
One little teeny tooth…one mighty big energy and life pattern being held in it! Recently I lost a tooth. It was a baby tooth that I had ‘held on to’ from the age of 10 when it should have fallen out, to now, at the age of 50. No big deal hey? Its...
by Trish | Feb 16, 2015 | Blog
“…and as I became aware that what I was seeing was my body on the bed and as my eyes scanned the room there was such peace, such stillness, a quietening of mind that I had never felt before…and the Love, OH the Love….” Love Trumps Fear...
by Trish | Jan 4, 2014 | Blog
Gratitude… There is a lot said about it and for it but what exactly does it MEAN to be grateful? And how can we be grateful for everything, even when it is a challenge? Being grateful has changed the way I see things and the way my life now looks. I’ m...