by Trish | Jan 11, 2014 | Blog
Have you ever woken up in the morning full of self doubt? About who you are? About your career/business? About your abilities? It happens to all of us but the important thing to remember here is what you DO about it. Do you stay in the self doubt and beat yourself up?...
by Trish | Jan 4, 2014 | Blog
Gratitude… There is a lot said about it and for it but what exactly does it MEAN to be grateful? And how can we be grateful for everything, even when it is a challenge? Being grateful has changed the way I see things and the way my life now looks. I’ m...
by Trish | Dec 25, 2013 | Blog, General
“Standing In Your Grace Is Standing In Your Divine Presence” Yesterday I watched an interview with Caroline Myss. It was different to anything I had heard before and I was fascinated with how she was framing what she believes to be true in this lifetime....
by Trish | Dec 25, 2013 | Blog
Happiness is a choice, YOUR choice The truth of this is also a choice, as is everything in life. What are YOU consciously choosing in this moment right now? Are you happy? Are you feeling joy? Are you fulfilled? Are you living on purpose? There was a time, not so long...
by Trish | Dec 23, 2013 | Blog
I used to believe intuition was all based on the energy emanating from my heart, third eye and crown chakras. Now, I have come to understand a different truth. This morning, while practicing my usual grounding ‘rituals’ at the waters edge, it occurred to...