Why Being Grounded Will Serve Your Intuition & Abundance

Why Being Grounded Will Serve Your Intuition & Abundance

I used to believe  intuition was all based on the energy emanating from my heart, third eye and crown chakras. Now, I have come to understand a different truth. This morning, while practicing my usual grounding ‘rituals’ at the waters edge, it occurred to...
The #1 Question You Need To Ask Yourself For Transformation

The #1 Question You Need To Ask Yourself For Transformation

Blame does not serve you, or the other. As we grow in this lifetime, each moment reveals to us what it is we most need to see, hear or feel to bring us to a new level of understanding. For many of us, including myself, placing the emphasis on what is happening...

3 Things That Will Change Your Story

Its only a story… One thing in life that is certain is that we all have a story. I have mine, and I see and hear many others daily. Some may call it a different word, like circumstance, situation, experience, habits, addictions, feelings, ‘my lot in...

Contrast Cures Crying

Sound a bit dramatic? Contrast Cures Crying Yes, could be, but this is a short story on how feeling, and knowing, the contrast in life may actually STOP the drama and the tears that fall unnecessarily. Today, as my mind wandered onto a topic that brought up some...


It was as if I was viewing and hearing myself from the other side of the room. An out of body experience…seeing this person I hadnt seen before…not for a long time… I have always been a rule breaker of sorts. It didnt feel like that, ever! It just...