by Trish | Jun 3, 2015 | Blog
The Story Of Love…The Story Of Us It is my belief that through our whole entire life, from birth to death, we are re- membering our connection and oneness to Love. We are energy. We are source. We are God. We are Love. We are connected to all. We are creators....
by Trish | Jun 1, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
Expressing Yourself Expressing yourself in whatever way is possible for you right now is so important to your life energy, your self esteem and your soul. It actually also benefits all of those around you and all of life. Did you realize that simply being yourself and...
by Trish | May 26, 2015 | Blog
Statements Of Empowerment That Will Change Your Energy Flow Everything we say, feel and think is connected to how our reality looks right now. Affirmations can play an important part in changing our energy. The 7 main Chakra energy portals are also an integral...
by Trish | May 19, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
The Only Reality Is Now Listen To The Audio Here: Download the Podcast here CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND SUBSCRIBE ON iTunes Have you ever noticed that at any given time we are often either thinking about the past or what may happen in the future? For instance,...
by Trish | May 13, 2015 | Blog, Meditations
Love & Light Waking up in the morning feeling Love and gratitude has a lot to do with the way you are thinking and feeling the night before. It is my belief that if we can feel appreciation, Love and Light as we slip into our dream state, that not only will we...