by Trish | Mar 29, 2015 | Blog
Meditation…its one of those conversations that either gets immediate understanding or immediate reactions of challenge. The traditional view of meditation is to silence the mind by sitting in a crossed legged pose for 30 minutes or more, slowly letting thoughts...
by Trish | Mar 1, 2015 | Blog
Sharing your thoughts, words, ideas, love, self… How many things on this list are simple for you? I saw this image yesterday on social media and immediately needed to address it because for me, these things were NEVER easy or simple. I have met, and know many...
by Trish | Feb 22, 2015 | Blog
We have energy centres in our bodies? Its interesting, lately I have been talking to a lot of people outside of my regular circles and I have been quite surprised that many are unaware of the energy we hold and flow in your bodies. Being friends with so many people in...
by Trish | Feb 16, 2015 | Blog
“…and as I became aware that what I was seeing was my body on the bed and as my eyes scanned the room there was such peace, such stillness, a quietening of mind that I had never felt before…and the Love, OH the Love….” Love Trumps Fear...
by Trish | Apr 19, 2014 | Blog
This past 2 weeks I have not only moved house, and state, but have been minding my sister’s house, 3 children, dog and business. It has been a crazy busy time, with my own business also in there in the mix of things to do, build and create! One thing that has really...
by Trish | Mar 5, 2014 | Blog
I have an addiction…and so might you. The stories we tell ourselves. Its an interesting thing, these stories that keep us entertained every day. And I mean entertained! Sometimes you just have to laugh at the ridiculousness of many of them, even though while you...