How Losing A Tooth Opened My Heart To Love

How Losing A Tooth Opened My Heart To Love

One little teeny tooth…one mighty big energy and life pattern being held in it! Recently I lost a tooth. It was a baby tooth that I had ‘held on to’ from the age of 10 when it should have fallen out, to now, at the age of 50. No big deal hey? Its...
5 Ways To Meditate That May Surprise You

5 Ways To Meditate That May Surprise You

Meditation…its one of those conversations that either gets immediate understanding or immediate reactions of challenge. The traditional view of meditation is to silence the mind by sitting in a crossed legged pose for 30 minutes or more, slowly letting thoughts...
Expression: Its Not As Easy As It Sounds

Expression: Its Not As Easy As It Sounds

Sharing your thoughts, words, ideas, love, self… How many things on this list are simple for you? I saw this image yesterday on social media and immediately needed to address it because for me, these things were NEVER easy or simple. I have met, and know many...
The Short, Sweet and Simple Guide To The 7 Chakras

The Short, Sweet and Simple Guide To The 7 Chakras

We have energy centres in our bodies? Its interesting, lately I have been talking to a lot of people outside of my regular circles and I have been quite surprised that many are unaware of the energy we hold and flow in your bodies. Being friends with so many people in...
Say Goodbye To Judgement, Say Hello To Love

Say Goodbye To Judgement, Say Hello To Love

“…and as I became aware that what I was seeing was my body on the bed and as my eyes scanned the room there was such peace, such stillness, a quietening of mind that I had never felt before…and the Love, OH the Love….” Love Trumps Fear...