by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
In 1993, my husband at the time and I decided to sell everything and move states. I sold my thriving salon business, we sold all the furniture, packed up the kids (mine, his and ours) and went. The loudest comments at the time were: How can you just pack up and go? My...
by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
Pondering this morning on happiness. Many, many years of trying to ‘find’ it has led me to this: I simply now CHOOSE it Slow learner? No, perhaps my greatest lesson to teach others Choose it for yourself today. It really is just a shift in the way you see...
by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
What are you waiting for? Go forth….BE AWESOME Take a chance…BE AMAZING Believe in yourself…EXPECT MIRACLES All my love Namaste
by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
I’m about to step up into my true service in this world, my purpose, my passion and the ‘thing’ that makes my heart sing. This morning as I was thinking about it, the fears all came up again but this time I took a different view. One of the biggest...
by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
One thing I have learnt over the past few years is that emotions are ok to FEEL. Being labeled as an ’emotional’ person in a negative way affects a lot of people, including myself, but I want to say this: Feeling what you feel, letting it flow...
by Trish | Nov 10, 2013 | Blog
Many of us at this time are moving into the unknown, into new projects, into new ways of living and new ways of relationships. It can be easy to shrink back when the nerves kick in or when our confidence drops but I have found that if you can find a memory of how you...