7 Ways To Increase The Power Of Your Third Eye Chakra

7 Ways To Increase The Power Of Your Third Eye Chakra

Along the centre of our bodies are the 7 main Chakra Energy portals.  When all of these 7 Chakras are flowing to their best ability, our energy shifts. Every Chakra portal strengthens and balances out a different area in our life. To stay in balance, or to become...
The Art Of BEing

The Art Of BEing

I read a most fabulous book today. Bringers Of The Light by Neale Donald Walsch. In this book, Neale gives a different perspective on BEing and finding our purpose in this lifetime. He says, that actually: Life is pointless, and that is Gods greatest gift I LOVE this...
A Reflection Of Magnificence

A Reflection Of Magnificence

    I caught a glimpse of myself today, just randomly, in a reflection on a window. My immediate thought was – hey, that looks like a nice warm and caring lady. I would go speak with her. She looks like she has nice energy. Interesting thoughts really, as...

Manifest For Life: Lets Talk Energy – Episode 8

Say YES To The Now What if…you simply just decided to BE? Does it really have to be that difficult? Are we making everything just way too complex? Listen to the audio here: Download the Podcast here CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND SUBSCRIBE ON iTunes I often wonder about...