Happiness Trumps Positivity,  Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time Some people say I am a positive person…I disagree. I am a HAPPY person. I used to be positive…but was still unhappy, and today in this blog, I want to explain why and how, if you are experiencing the same, it can be different...
Labels: Whats Yours And Do You Really Need It?

Labels: Whats Yours And Do You Really Need It?

Do you have a label? Is there a standard answer you offer when someone asks you about yourself? What is your answer when you are asked: Who are you? Most of us will answer with what we do, what we believe or what we believe we are. For example: I am a …(Insert...
Your Story…Your Life…Your Choice

Your Story…Your Life…Your Choice

My life has changed dramatically over the past 6 years. How did I achieve this change? I changed my story. Was it simple to change my story? Yes. Was it easy? No. What kept me going? The pain of the old story was more painful than moving forward to the new. We all...
7 Ways To Increase The Power Of Your Crown Chakra

7 Ways To Increase The Power Of Your Crown Chakra

The 7 main Chakra Energy portals can be found along the centre line of our body.  When all of these 7 Chakras are flowing to their best ability, our energy shifts. Each Chakra point is pertinent to a different area in our emotions and life. To keep the Chakras flowing...