by Trish | Aug 4, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
I Am The Boss Of Me Listen to the audio here: Download the Podcast here CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND SUBSCRIBE ON iTunes Do you feel like you are in charge of you? If you had asked me this question a few years back I would have said yes, of course Im the boss of...
by Trish | Jul 23, 2015 | Blog
The 7 main Chakra Energy portals can be found along the centre line of our body. When all of these 7 Chakras are flowing to their best ability, our energy shifts. Each Chakra point is pertinent to a different area in our emotions and life. To keep the Chakras flowing...
by Trish | Jul 19, 2015 | Blog
“Many people spend their whole lives searching for fulfillment and happiness, often expecting to find it in the purchase of a beautiful house, a luxury car, or other material possessions. When their satisfaction with these wears off, they look for other things...
by Trish | Jul 15, 2015 | Blog
The Journey Back To Peace Begins With The Path To Our Own Love 6 years ago I decided to change everything about my life. I was miserable. I was numbing myself with TV, food and alcohol. I was hating myself. At the time, a change in life, career and where I lived was...
by Trish | Jul 14, 2015 | Blog, Lets Talk Energy
Declare It To The Universe! In the process of changing my entire life over the past 5 years, I have been told many times: …Trish, for the universe to really know you are serious in this life about where you want to go and who you wish to be, you HAVE TO...