Tuning In To Your Relationship Resistance

Tuning In To Your Relationship Resistance

#30Blogs30Days #Day9 Our entire life is a relationship journey and I have discovered that this in itself, is a truth and powerful knowledge that when acknowledged and accepted, can turn many things in our life around, especially relationships! The relationship with...
Daily Alignment

Daily Alignment

#30Blogs30Days #Day8 Each day we have the opportunity to choose love or fear. Anything you are making a decision on, any old thoughts that arise, any old beliefs you are creating your reality from, are in the bucket of love or fear. Being out of alignment with your...
Being Single

Being Single

#30Blogs30Days #Day6 I had an epiphany of sorts today. After transforming 3 key areas in my life and a few minor ones, I have not had the inclination to change my relationship status, even though I keep complaining its been over 5 years since I have been in a...
The Rabbit Hole of Spirituality

The Rabbit Hole of Spirituality

The Rabbit Hole of Spirituality Are there any rules we must follow to be spiritual? Is being spiritual similar to all of the religions in this world, with rules and structure that must be followed if we are to be ‘doing’ it correctly and for our soul to be functional...
Happiness Trumps Positivity,  Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time

Happiness Trumps Positivity, Every Time Some people say I am a positive person…I disagree. I am a HAPPY person. I used to be positive…but was still unhappy, and today in this blog, I want to explain why and how, if you are experiencing the same, it can be different...