Manifest For Life: Lets Meditate- Root Chakra

Manifest For Life: Lets Meditate- Root Chakra

Root (Base) Chakra Guided meditations are a great way to quickly centre yourself and gain or regain focus. This meditation which is specifically for the Root, or base Chakra, guides you to becoming more grounded, more task orientated and to more easily take action to...

Manifest For Life: Lets Meditate, No.1

Welcome to the PODCAST series: Manifest For Life: Lets Meditate Meditation is a great way to quieten the mind and tap into the intuitive power we all have. Its also a fabulous tool for restoring calm restoring that inner peace and dissipating stress and worry. Many...
How Losing A Tooth Opened My Heart To Love

How Losing A Tooth Opened My Heart To Love

One little teeny tooth…one mighty big energy and life pattern being held in it! Recently I lost a tooth. It was a baby tooth that I had ‘held on to’ from the age of 10 when it should have fallen out, to now, at the age of 50. No big deal hey? Its...
5 Ways To Meditate That May Surprise You

5 Ways To Meditate That May Surprise You

Meditation…its one of those conversations that either gets immediate understanding or immediate reactions of challenge. The traditional view of meditation is to silence the mind by sitting in a crossed legged pose for 30 minutes or more, slowly letting thoughts...