5 Signs of Real Friends

5 Signs of Real Friends

5 Signs Of Real Friends When you go through a major loss, face disappointment, or just feel down your likely natural first reaction is to reach out to someone you love. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, cheering up, or someone who is happy to just sit with you....
How Introverts Can Get Out And Meet People

How Introverts Can Get Out And Meet People

How Introverts Can Get Out And Meet People Have you ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? Have you ever tried to shoehorn yourself into a personality or situation that didn’t feel right to you? That’s how most introverts feel and if you’re one of those people...
Is the ‘Fight or Flight response’ crashing your body?

Is the ‘Fight or Flight response’ crashing your body?

SHAKE IT OFF   Have you ever seen an animal on the verge of being attacked, running or flying away fast, then when the danger is over, shaking it off and getting on with the business of life? They have this ‘fight or flight’ thing mastered! They do...
Clearing Energy Using Sage Sticks

Clearing Energy Using Sage Sticks

This morning I ‘saged’ my house. Quite a common activity for me these days! Is this something you have heard of but have never been sure of how to do? I’d like to share with you exactly how I do it and this will give you a start on your energy...
5 ‘Labour Pain’ Signs of Moving To 5th Dimension Energy

5 ‘Labour Pain’ Signs of Moving To 5th Dimension Energy

5 ‘Labour Pain’ Signs of Moving In To 5th Dimensional Living Beings who are exploring the Material World and taking a Stand for its Validity, Suffer from the Illusion of Separation from their Spirit – referenced from www.powersthatbe.com Are you feeling emotional,...
Your Legacy of Energy

Your Legacy of Energy

What Will You Be Remembered For? Your Divine Presence in this time space reality is the most influential thing you can give. Trish Rock What legacy are you leaving in this lifetime? Do you understand what this even means? In the dictionary, ‘leaving a legacy’ is...