Moving In To New Alignment

Moving In To New Alignment

As humans, we are constantly evolving, changing and moving more in to the alignment of the energy that flows through us. Its sometimes comes easily, as if it were a simple walk through a door but often we can find ourselves knowing there is a change afoot, but not...

Soul Partners, Addictive Patterns & Breaking Free

What I learnt about relationships this week and an addictive behavior I wasn’t even aware of. Maybe the message here will help you also. Often we act out in so many ways that we are not even aware of until there comes a moment when it all makes sense. This was...
Autumn Leaves, Rain and a Massage…

Autumn Leaves, Rain and a Massage…

Autumn Leaves, Rain and a Massage…How Nature Showed Me To Release The Old   Inner work. Its tough some days, flows easily the next right! One day we think we have mastered our thoughts and have been able to ‘revise’ the old patterns and then the next day…bam!...
How To Find Peace Through The Chaos Of Relationship

How To Find Peace Through The Chaos Of Relationship

How To Find Peace Through The Chaos Of Relationship Its been a fast paced energetic time, these last few months in particular, and especially around relationships. Interesting that we have had 5 planets in retrograde, including the communication planet of Mercury, yet...
Its Never Too Late For Love

Its Never Too Late For Love

This past weekend I went to a wedding. A most beautiful wedding between 2 people who cherish each other beyond what we see. Love that has risen despite so many hardships and barriers. 2 people who can see beyond the external circumstance, and focus on the energy...
Letting Go Of Love To Let Love In

Letting Go Of Love To Let Love In

Over the past couple of weeks I have had some very special people from my past resurface. I used to hate when this happened! All of the emotions, the feelings, the hurts that resurface as well simply would break my heart all over again! But this time it has  been...