#30Blogs30Days #Day26

Yesterday was a pivotal day in my journey over the last 3 months.

Actually, its difficult to pinpoint the day as the past week or so have really been pivotal but yesterday, I had clarity like never before.

When I was made redundant from my day job at the end of March, I did go into a little bit of panic. The whole world was changing and now this was also thrown into the mix for me, and many others too!

It took a couple of weeks but I decided it was an amazing opportunity for me to truly get clarity in my business and use the time to get it to a full time capacity.

So I set off on a plan and gave myself 3 months to get it right!

What I thought would happen and what ACTUALLY HAS happened are two different things and it sent me into a spin a few weeks back to be honest.

Back I was in the self hatred, the berating, the not thinking I was good enough and all the ‘what more do I need to do!’ statements to the Universe.

This past week or two I have had the answers come and have been so fully supported I have to shake my head in disbelief some days but it has brought me to now, where my plan, and ideas about things are totally different to what they were at the end of March. In life AND business.

You see I was under the impression that working full time in my business meant a full on day from early morning to late night. Or at the very least- non stop from 8.30am -5pm!

When this was not happening, I beat myself up, felt like a failure, felt lazy, felt like I wasn’t trying hard enough! After all, the successful people are working like dogs right!

Well I have learnt that this could not be further from the truth, for me.

I have had to bring everything back and go inside to truly ask myself, WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT YOUR LIFE TO LOOK LIKE TRISH?

I tell my story here for you as I know if this is something I have learned and been through, then others are going through the same and this could inspire the solutions.

Here is what I have discovered.

  • My day does not HAVE to look like anyone else’s day.
  • My work hours DO NOT have to be like any one else’s.
  • My version of a perfect day CAN be achieved and DOES NOT have to be the same as anyone else’s OR the ‘typical’ standard we measure ourselves with!

With this clarity, I have begun to live differently.

I have begun to expect differently.

I have designed my life the way that FEELS good to me. And I am at peace.

My day is not a 9-5 routine. It is a plan that suits me and the freedom I want and already have.

My business plans- well I have let go of the outcomes that were holding me so stuck for SO long! They were so rigid that I was not seeing what else was being offered. I was actually running my expectations from a mixture of so many other people’s ideas that I thought had it all figured out but here is the thing, and I want you to really hear this- I AM NOT ANYONE BUT ME. As such- no one else has a plan that will totally be right for me.

Take what feels good and leave the rest. Your energy and life path is unique and only YOU will know what feels right.

Once I let go of all of this ‘should do’ crap, let go of the rigid outcomes and also let go of any false notion that what I felt was ‘right’ would not get me where I wanted, EVERYTHING changed.

I feel so peaceful, at ease, fully in charge of my life and business AND have been so incredibly supported all the way that it brings tears to my eyes in gratitude.

My daily plan will be highlighted in another blog but I want to encourage you today, if you are reading this, to ask yourself

  • Are you living from YOUR plan or from a ‘should be doing’ plan?
  • Does your daily routine feel supportive to YOU?
  • Are you fearful and resistant to change to more ease?

Take a piece of paper today and write at the top of it- My perfect average day

Then, write down what would feel great to you as a perfect average day in your life should you be living your dream life. Include work (income source), relationship, friends, me time etc.

You may find it an interesting exercise that will get you started on creating more of YOU in your life plans and building a life of peace, ease and prosperity.

If nothing else it will certainly show you what you want to do less of!

YOU ARE ENOUGH and you can create a reality that brings you peace, freedom and abundance. As soon as you back yourself- the Universe will bring so much support in it will blow you away!


Trish Rock | Transformation Catalyst/Psychic | Producer & Host of TrishRockTV

Spiritual Mentor and Transformation Catalyst for Conscious Leaders.


~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~

~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~