Smiling For No Reason

An Intimate Journey Of Self Love & Empowerment

I used to believe I had to have everything I dreamed of before I could be happy.

I used to believe external circumstances had to be perfect before I could be happy.

I used to believe I would never look or feel fantastic until I was happy and had all those things I dreamed of…

Boy, was I so totally wrong!


I like to call it my ‘Mona Lisa’ smile. People can see the smile, the look of contentment, the air of happiness, but aren’t really sure what it is that is making me appear that way.

So how did life change for me and how did I ‘become’ happy?

Happiness is an interesting thing. So many of us see it as an external result for an emotion we are feeling. And this may be true to a certain extent but this happiness is short lived and only present when the external is giving the right circumstance for the correct emotion to produce the ‘happy’ feeling.

Here is something better- happiness no matter what is happening externally. This happiness is a peace, a knowing, a love of self that stays in a state of joy from within.

It wasn’t an easy place for me to get too however it feels just so natural now that I am here. I believe it is everyones natural state and we just have to remember, then return to it.

How did I start?

It all began a very long time ago but the real work began about 4 years ago when I made the choice to discover happiness. Yes, it starts with a choice.

Wanting to be successful in a different career, associating with many other successful people, reading and studying the mentors and role models I was attracted to…one thing struck me about many of them- they looked super healthy, trim, vibrant and really really happy!

So of course I immediately thought- well, I will NEVER look like that until I am wealthy. I need lots of money to be so healthy, happy and beaming with energy. THIS is how happiness will come for me and no wonder they are happy and look fantastic! Who wouldn’t with enough money to do so!

Here is what I have discovered.


The reason these people I looked up to were successful and wealthy was BECAUSE they firstly decided to become better in every way. The energy, vibrancy and health came first. The self love came first. The respect for themselves came first. They achieved what they desired by BEING the person they needed to be to be in order to attract it.

When I realised this, I knew the task was to begin to evolve into the person I needed to be to live the vision I had of the life I wanted.

So…that is what I did, and continue to do.TrishRock

My weight went from 85kgs to 68kgs…easily without dieting or any special exercise.

My skin became brighter.

I gave up alcohol.

The ‘heaviness’ of my presence lifted incredibly.

My vibrancy increased.

AND…I am naturally happy.

How did the mind shift occur? Well, in a nutshell, I began to love myself more.

I may have been smiling on the outside back in 2009 but inside I was dying. I think so many of us are this way and after speaking with hundreds of women over the years in my career, I can honestly say that many women give up on the idea that they can truly be joyful on a deep level. I know now that if I can do it, and become the person I chose to become, then YOU can do it do.

When you start out on this journey of self love it can be very challenging but the thing to remember is WHY you are doing it. The bigger vision is what will get you through any obstacles. Great friends and family are a must as well so you need to surround yourself with people who care about you, are ok with you being you, and will love you through any difficult times.

And there will be those times.

I remember on several occasions, while building up my belief of my own value, walking with my dogs and crying the whole way while repeating the affirmation- I AM valuable, I AM valuable, I AM valuable. Looking to the skies and asking for help, a sign, some strength to get me through.

Eventually you will believe what you tell yourself and this is exactly how we get into the whole mindset that we aren’t good enough and we don’t have the skill, looks, talent etc to be who we want to be- we have been telling ourselves the wrong story for too many years!

Being truly happy will mean owning your truth, being who you are in an authentic way, remembering how powerful you are in creating your circumstance and then, just letting go of all the ‘stuff’ that doesn’t serve you.

Happy for no reason in particular. I love that! Now, to be in an authentic place of just BEing and smiling because I feel like it…I cant tell you how grateful I feel, to myself for doing the work and to everyone in my life that played a part.

And you can feel this too.

Start with whatever you feel comfortable with in this moment. We are all at different crossroads so not one thing will work for everyone but hear this…nothing will work unless you give it a go! Action is the key to results, in every aspect of life.

Ask the question “what would serve me the best at this time’ and then keep your eyes and ears open for the answer. It will come. In the form of a book, a teacher, a saying, a song, an opportunity or any manner of gifts.

Then you must act. Action is the only way forward.

I have used many methods, techniques and mentors to get my mindset to where it is now including meditation, affirmations, numerology, Angel readings, astrology, EFT, intuitives, books, energy healing, reiki, feng shui, crystals, chakra healing and balancing and the list goes on. Whatever works for you to give you strength, courage and the wisdom to move forward towards your vision- use it. I can certainly help you get clearer and guide you through some of the techniques that have helped me greatly. Get in touch with me here if you are interested: LETS TALK

This world will be strengthened by us becoming empowered with our own self love. Loving others can only be at its most powerful when we have our own love to draw from and through. SO not only do we do this for ourselves but we do it for the greater good, for humanity.

But on a more personal level…when will YOU be smiling like the Mona Lisa?

