Why Is Change So Hard?

Why Is Change So Hard?

#30Blogs30Days #Day22 Today it really hit me… With all the changes and achievements in my own life, I know I inspire people every day but how many changes am I making in my own life right now? In the beginning of my journey change was challenging but not in all...
Do You THINK You Can or Cannot?

Do You THINK You Can or Cannot?

#30Blogs30Days #Day21   ‘Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Cannot, You Are Right’   Henry Ford So many of us have limiting beliefs, not only about ourselves but what is possible in life to achieve. Often it is not even something you might notice. It will be...
3 Ways To Deliberately Empower Yourself

3 Ways To Deliberately Empower Yourself

#30Blogs30Days #Day20 There is a lot of talk about being empowered, staying empowered, living an empowered life. But what does it actually mean? The word ‘empowered’ means: give (someone) the authority or power to do something. “members are empowered to audit...
3 Ways To Move Past Overwhelm

3 Ways To Move Past Overwhelm

#30Blogs30Days #Day19 Today I felt really overwhelmed to the point I really was paralysed and stuck in a very non productive energy. This of course DID NOT help with the overwhelm and the to do list! This happens every now and then with me and I feel its the same for...
Set Powerful New Moon Intentions

Set Powerful New Moon Intentions

#30Blogs30Days #Day18 It a Cancer New Moon AND Summer Solstice AND an Eclipse. It a very busy time in our energy fields along with so many changes to our alignment. Every New Moon I set intentions of what I want to be, do and have over the following weeks or longer in...
Empath, Sensitive and Emotional

Empath, Sensitive and Emotional

#30Blogs30Days #Day17 For a long time through my life I allowed others to influence my self worth through statements such as: “You are too moody!” “You are too sensitive!” “You are too emotional!” I started to think, hey, maybe I am… And in those relationships,...