#30Blogs30Days #Day19

Today I felt really overwhelmed to the point I really was paralysed and stuck in a very non productive energy.

This of course DID NOT help with the overwhelm and the to do list!

This happens every now and then with me and I feel its the same for most of us. The degree to which is happens is a variable and the frequency but I know that some people can be really stuck with this for days or longer. I feel fortunate that I can bring myself out of overwhelm in good time and usually quite simply.

By about 2pm today I was back on track but it did not happen at 9am this morning when I wanted it too!

I simply had to allow it to be a part of my day today and do my best to overcome it as soon as possible. I have learned over the years several ways to do this and I would like to share a few with you today as it may help you too!

Here are 3 ways I empower myself when I am in overwhelm!

  1. Stop, take a breath.

It can be an automatic tendency to simply just push through, go faster, get the things done, push, push…

I have found this does not work for me. When I am pushing, my creative flow and any energetic alignment I may have had just disappears and even if I am going at a great pace and trying the push through, nothing really gets achieved.

I stop. Take a few minutes out to get my bearings. Take my mind and body out of the situation for a pause.

I have to check in with what is going through my mind and quieten it down as best I can. Often some meditation here or a short mindfulness activity helps.

  1. Write a list

Writing a To DO list is vital in keeping on track each day. Often though, we have far too many things we try to get through!

I seriously have had to-dos that would be impossible to get done in 1 day yet I still overwhelm myself with that every now and then!

So, after you have taken a breath, grab a pen and write 3 things that MUST be done today.

You can then write anything else after that but the top 3 are the ones to focus on.

The other way to do this is to brain dump and write down ALL the things you want to get done and then highlight 3-5 of them.

This doesn’t reduce what needs to be done but what it does is give you FOCUS and this can then in turn give you momentum to complete the tasks.

When you are in overwhelm paralysis- nothing gets done!

  1. Be kind to yourself!

Often in this energy I am mean to myself. Beating myself up over not being efficient. Being mad at myself for wasting time. Its my over achiever mean streak coming out!

So I deliberately have to be super conscious of what I am thinking and saying to myself and others.

This morning I was tipped over the edge with an unexpected repair going wrong and it costing me money that I felt was wasted. I mulled this over and over and it added directly to my overwhelm. My thoughts to myself were not kind and I knew it could spill over into a reactive behaviour.

I really had to sort it out and find a new perspective on the story, which I did after about an hour. Interesting that in this moment, I was gifted something by a stranger!

That would not have happened if I was not consciously changing my attitude, story and reaction including the thoughts and words to myself.


Ultimately what we need to get done gets done.

We really can be harsh on ourselves as humans and when overwhelm does occur, be even more harsh.

I hope you begin the practice of stopping, taking a breath and getting your bearings and thoughts in a better place when you start to feel this way. It really can mean the difference between a great day and a wasted day (which doesn’t make you feel good!)

If you need guidance to activate new perspectives and learn how to turn these old stories around fast, reach out for a Spiritual Guidance session with me here: Spiritual Guidance

Trish Rock | Transformation Catalyst | Psychic/Clairvoyant 

~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~

~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~

~~ Producer & Host of TrishRockTV