Trusting Your Intuition: 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Inner Guidance

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, only to ignore it—then later realize it was right all along? Trusting your intuition is like strengthening a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger and clearer it becomes. But in a world that prioritizes logic over inner knowing, how do you develop this trust?

This was a big one for me when my conscious intuitive journey began and it is certainly a big one for so many of my clients that are now starting to appreciate and understand how powerful their intuitive gifts are.

When you are in flow and trust come easily, the acceptance of your gifts also comes easily.

But when you are in doubt, around others that think you are weird in some way, cant speak up or be seen right now or dont want to feel foolish in anyway (we all get scared of criticism and judgement!) then the trust for your gifts can be low.

Here is the truth though- you DO have intuitive abilities AND once you begin to trust the ones that come a little bit easier- there will be so many more to follow.

Here are three ways to deepen your connection with your intuition.

1. Practice with Tarot or Oracle Cards

One of my favourite ways to strengthen intuition is by using tarot or oracle cards. These tools don’t give you answers from outside of yourself—they help you tap into the wisdom you already have. Try pulling a card each morning and asking, What do I need to know today? Before reading the guidebook, sit with the card and see what comes up intuitively. Over time, you’ll notice patterns, synchronicities and a stronger connection to your inner knowing.

2. Listen to the Quiet Voice Within

Your intuition often speaks softly—through a feeling, a whisper, or an inner knowing that doesn’t come from logic. The challenge? Fear and doubt can drown it out. Practice tuning in by taking a few quiet moments each day to ask yourself, What is my next aligned step? Trust the first answer that comes, even if it doesn’t make sense right away. Write it down in your journal to reflect back on too. The more you follow these nudges, the more confident you’ll become in your guidance.

3. Notice Signs and Synchronicities

The Universe is always communicating, but are you paying attention? A repeated number, a song that answers your question, or a message that appears at the right time—these are all intuitive confirmations. Keep a journal of synchronicities, and soon, you’ll see just how much you are being guided. Get into the habit of expecting them, being curious as to what will show up today.

Trusting your intuition isn’t about never questioning yourself—it’s about learning to trust that first nudge, that deep knowing, and allowing it to lead you toward your highest path. The more you listen, the louder it gets.

Want to strengthen your intuition and gain clarity on your next steps? This is something I can help you with, just like I have helped so many others. Whether it is to enhance your business, start a new career or simply live in more alignment with your gifts then learning to trust them is an important first step. Book a free 15-minute Soul Clarity Call with me, and let’s explore what your intuition is guiding you toward.

Much love to you xo
