Trish Rock | Your Trusted Spiritual Guide & Intuitive Mentor

Trish is a best selling author, coach and psychic with over 40 years’ experience working with clients across Australia and globally to help develop self-belief, purpose & direction, and say goodbye to self-limiting beliefs.

How does it work?

Subscribe to the HVHH- Receive coaching and guidance in any area of your life - Receive messages from Spirit - Receive mentoring 

Receive community support - Gain clarity and peace- Feel more significant and valued - Grow your business - Create the life you desire!

This private Inner Circle membership is a sacred space with a community of like minded, supportive men and women who have come together to live a more empowered, deliberate and fulfilling life.

The agenda and topics of guidance are organic, totally dependent on what is being called forth from the group energy at the time, the issues that members are facing and the solutions that will serve all.

You are fully supported into the direction of more inner peace, significance and value.

Joining the Happiness High Vibe Group can help you to:

  • Increase your confidence and self-belief.
  • Create a vision for a life you will love.
  • Understand your unique values and strengths.
  • Overcome your self-limiting beliefs.
  • Improve your relationships.
  • Manage stress more effectively and develop a greater sense of inner calm.
  • Improve your health and wellbeing.
  • Understand the importance of self-care and prioritising time for yourself.
  • Create a healthy relationship with money.
  • Discover new creative interests (even if you don’t feel particularly creative).


Who do you work with?

This Inner Circle membership group is for men and women who want to feel more valued and significant in their lives.

  • The recently separated or divorced man or woman wanting to feel valued again
  • In business looking for more purpose and direction
  • Career driven man or woman who wants to now work to live, not live to work.
  • Single and ready to clear the way for a new Divine soul relationship.
  • The conscious man or woman wanting to align a new, more peaceful and free reality.

Its time to put YOU first - BOOK YOUR FREE CHAT BELOW!


How is Trish different from other Mentors?

Trish works organically with what you are requiring energetically and physically at that time. She speaks soul to soul through her guides and intuitive gifts to understand what is holding you back from living your best life, feeling the happiness, joy and success you desire.

 After reading your energy and tuning in to the issue or block, Trish will guide you to your unique solution with a new perspective, a clearer understanding of why this is happening for you and practical tools and advice to lead you to a new path.

Trish teaches the proven 5 Steps in her best selling book - The PEACE Process - to help you manifest and create the life you desire and uses a mixture of her intuitive gifts, Spiritual guidance, Tarot and Oracle, Numerology, Chakra energy, colours and her extensive training in Holistic Counselling.

Is Online Mentoring or In-Person Best?

Online mentoring really is as effective as an in-person session. In some cases, it’s actually a better model for coaching. It’s time-efficient and very personal.

In the High Vibe Happiness Hub you receive guidance and mentoring within the group community but also on a more personal basis through messenger and on some occasions through a phone conversation.

However, if you’re still in doubt, give it a try and you might be surprised.

How often do we Meet?

The group meets LIVE on Zoom every second Sunday at 4pm QLD time for a conversation about the weekly energies, the intention of the week ahead and to allow you to ask questions in person. Its an opportunity to say hello to the other members and hear the amazing breakthroughs they are having, and share yours! Or to ask for help with something you are finding difficult to move past.

You will experience EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in these sessions too to clear any old limiting beliefs or fears!

On the private Facebook group page, I am there daily to help you with whatever is coming up, along with guidance, inspiration and support!

Whats included?

1. Interactive group session via Zoom every second Sunday at 4pm QLD time

2. LIVE session in the group every second Wednesday for a HOT SEAT coaching sesison!

3. Daily inspired posts

4. Weekly coaching on topic

5. Monthly training videos on topic

6. Coaching, guidance, assistance and mentoring as you learn The PEACE Process or step into what you are manifesting

7. 1 x 30 Minute complimentary session with Trish that can be used any time throughout the year.

High Level Mentoring and Coaching for $55 a week!

Want more of a One-on-One style of Mentoring?

Trish offers personal sessions for assistance and guidance. You also have the option to have Trish as your personal psychic and guide for the whole year with the 10 x session package.

Want real change this year and ready to dive deep?

Trish has a 6 month and 12 month mentoring package.

Enquire by application or JOIN HERE- YES IM IN!

Lets Get Together for a Chat

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